Thursday, April 24, 2014

A balanced life

As a matter of fact, beauty reflects less from your external appearance and more from your personality. Look confident and happy always. That's the basic secret behind your beauty.

1. Be natural.

2. Always sit straight with legs crossed.

3. Think before you speak.

4. Maintain an eye contact while you speak.

5. Look and smell good.

6. Walk straight.

7. Let your confidence reflect through your body language.

8. Be soft spoken and not obnoxious/loud.

9. Be empathetic and approachable.

10. Be confident while speaking & don't fumble.

11. Always be bubbly/exuberant.

A healthy skin

It is indeed a God gift to have a healthy skin, perfect facial features and fair skin. Even if you don't, you can still have such a skin. Better late than never. For that,
1. One must sleep atleast 8 hours a day.

2. Drink atleast 2 cups of water after getting up in the morning.

3. Eat well & fresh/homemade food for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

4. Avoid meat in your diet. Eat sea food instead. Avoid oily/spicy food.

5. Eat dark chocolates for a younger skin.

6. Have an apple and watermelon for lunch daily.

7. Drink coconut water daily.(To have a clear skin)

8. Drink atleast 8 cups of water daily.

9. Use Ayurvedic soaps like Chandrika.(Recommended)

10. Be natural.

11. Wash your face before bed and after you come back home from out.

12. Have a chocolate therapy for your skin to remove tan once a month.(Recommended)

13. Be cheerful and don't over strain/stress yourself.

14. Go for a Vacation once in a year.(To rejuvenate yourself)

15. Perform pranayams daily and have a tranquil attitude.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Million Dollar Smile

I prefer using Nivea Guava Lip Balm for lips.(Recommended)

Brush your teeth twice a day with pinch of salt for whitening.(Colgate Toothpaste Recommended)

Always maintain a smile on your face.

Rinse your mouth every time you eat anything.


Wash your eyes at least four times a day.

Have green leafy vegetables in your daily diet.

Never strain your eyes in dark.

Place cucumber slices on your eyes for soothing them.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Use Maybelline Colossal to enhance their beauty.

IT people must use Anti-glare specks while working.

Blinking helps to reduce eye strain.

Perform pranayams daily and have a tranquil attitude.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Healthy Long Hair

Every individual might be knowing the well-known fictional character, Rapunzel. With so much toxic pollution in the air, it is quite grueling to maintain a healthy long hair. Here are few tips to maintain them,

1. Wash your hair every alternate days after massaging your head with natural coconut oil.

2. Use shikakai natural or shikakai soaps to wash your hair.

3. Avoid: Shampoos, conditioners, straightening/curling & highlighting. 

4. Comb your hair while washing it and after drying your hair.

5. Don't completely remove oil from your hair.

6. Comb your hair atleast 5-6 times in a day with wide tooth comb only.(To avoid hair fall)

7. Consumption of curry leaves is good for your hair growth.

8. Cover your head by a stole when you go out to protect it from heat, harmful sun rays & dust.

9. Trim/level your hair once in a month. 

10. Perform pranayams daily and have a tranquil attitude.

11. Avoid too much consumption of salt.

12. Wash your hands properly before touching your hair.

A Perfect Curve

I will never recommend a gym to shape your body. The more you make your body gym-addict, the more you will gain weight after quitting it. Instead brisk-walk 6km daily.

Please, never do a crash diet. A crash diet can only crash your health not your weight. Skipping meals can never make you slim. Instead you might look weak and pathetic. Munch something like fruits or drink a glass of milk every four hours in a day. Eat a balanced and healthy diet. Never sleep or stay empty stomach.

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper!"

Natural exercises are the only way out. Perform atleast 20 pranayams and suryanamaskars daily.

Be exuberant always and not lethargic.

Have atleast 8 hours of sleep.

Drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily.

Eat fresh food and avoid packaged/junk food as much as you can.

Eat to live...Don't live to eat

Avoid meat in your meals.

Prefer to walk for short distances.

Quit any kind of addictions esp. drinking/smoking.

Remember, you want to become slim and at the same time want to look good.  You are supposed to get into shape, not become weak.

Healthy overall requires complete balance of mind, body and soul.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Manicure & Pedicure

When the foundation is healthy, the building is healthy

Same applies to our feet which is the most neglected part of our body. It is necessary to maintain a beautiful feet as you maintain your face. Here are the tips:

1. Use a scrubber for cleansing your feet including sole while bathing.
Reason: It will exfoliate the dead skin from your feet.

2. Always wear socks before going out.
Reason: It will prevent your feet from getting tanned in sun. It will keep your feet free from dust and external injuries.

3. In afternoon avoid wearing sandals. Instead wear canvas shoes to cover your feet.
Reason: It will prevent your feet from getting tanned by harmful UV rays.

4. Use hair removers like Anne French to remove excess foot hair.(Recommended)

5. Cut and clean your toe nails weekly. Wear nail paint which suits your skin color.

6. Wear shoes always to have a stable foot size and prevent from excess growth of feet.

7. Chocolate therapy is useful to remove tan. (Recommended)

8. In case you have dry skin, apply cold creams like Nivea. (Recommended)

Tips: Wear Kitos/Canvas shoes for daily wear if you travel a lot. Wear only those sandals in which you can walk comfortably without any shoe bites and aches.

For hands,
1. Use hair removers like Anne French to remove excess hair.(Recommended)

2. Cut and clean your finger nails weekly. Wear nail paint which suits your skin color. Grow nails for a chic look.

3. Chocolate therapy is useful to remove tan.(Recommended)

4. Wear full sleaves dress during summers. (To avoid getting tanned).

5. Use a scrubber while bathing.
Reason: It will ex foliate the dead skin from your hands.

6. In case you have dry skin, apply cold creams like Nivea.(Recommended)